General Information

Where are files for download and upload?

Only registered members are upload and download files from this site. Previous members have stated that I should just open…

Only registered members are upload and download files from this site. Previous members have stated that I should just open the site anyone and forego registration and really, that just serves no one well at all. We understand not everyone can/will contribute for various reason i.e. time, understanding, need parts fast, or just plain hoarders... all of that is fine, but I have concluded that leaving the door wide open is not in the best interest of the group and therefore will continue to require people to register with the site.

I have proven for more than a decade now that I will never distribute your personal information. That type of behavior is repulsive and completely unacceptable. Therefore, you must register with the site to access to be able to download.

After registration is complete, the menu system creates additional links above to provide access while you are logged into the site. In this day and age, this is not a big ask and you are providing nothing more than an valid email address, which in the big picture, is fair. The only reason a valid email is required is I will sometimes send out an email blast to all of the members for announcements about a new part that has been added to the site or some change to the site that people need to be aware of, nothing more.

We hope this site provides you some value and helps assist in your needs which is most likely why you have arrived here.

0 answers212 viewsPosted 1 year agoby Chris Bertrand
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Nobody does something for nothing.....what is the free catch then?

I am luckily in a very good place in life to where I can give something back to those have…

I am luckily in a very good place in life to where I can give something back to those have given me so much. I know it is rare these days, but just ask around the discussion pages, you will see.

0 answers184 viewsPosted 1 year agoby Chris Bertrand
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Are there any fees to acquire any of these files?

No, you will never be pestered for fees for access to the site. There are no ads, banners, or any…

No, you will never be pestered for fees for access to the site. There are no ads, banners, or any other web tracking bots. There are no hidden tricks, traps or anything malicious, it truly is free to all users.

As of 12/2024, this will continue to remain true, while in the eyes of some it may seem like missed opportunities to monitize this site, I find no joy in making money off the backs of others in need.

0 answers214 viewsPosted 1 year agoby Chris Bertrand
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What was the purpose of creating this site when NI has it's own forums?

This site was created to help the users of NI's (TM) circuit design suite that are currently unsupported by NI.…

This site was created to help the users of NI's (TM) circuit design suite that are currently unsupported by NI. Since Electronics Workbench was acquired, the integration into NI's hierarchy has been focused on integrating the product into the NI line. Many users have needed support for parts that are not supported by NI's master database. This site allows users of the suite to share and exchange components, models, and footprints without having to wait. All users have equal permissions and rights to the data as long as they are valid, registered users of this site. The only exception is the administrators of the site who have full control over all users and data within the site.

0 answers223 viewsPosted 1 year agoby Chris Bertrand
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